Remember to Fly Your Flag for Memorial Day – Half Staff until Noon

As you prepare for the road trip, a barbecue, or the many celebrations of the long weekend keep in mind that Memorial Day is a day of remembrance.
For many Americans, the central event is attending one of the thousands of parades held on Memorial Day in large and small cities all over the country. Most of these feature marching bands and an overall military theme with the National Guard and other servicemen participating along with veterans and military vehicles from various wars.
One of the longest-standing traditions is the running of the Indianapolis 500 an auto race which has been held in conjunction with Memorial Day since 1911. It runs on the Sunday preceding the Memorial Day holiday. The Coca-Cola 600 stock car race has been held later the same day since 1961. The Memorial Tournament golf event has been held on or close to the Memorial Day weekend since 1976. Because Memorial Day is generally associated with the start of the summer season, it is common tradition to inaugurate the outdoor cooking season on Memorial Day with a barbecue.
Be safe and be thankful.
According to the US Flag code, the flag should be flown on Memorial Day, Monday May 27th, 2013 at half staff until noon. Then please raise the flag to full staff. It is very important to incorporate the flag etiquette on this day of remembrance to so that we can continue to honor those who have sacrificed so much for our everyday freedom. Please be proactive and share this with everyone, so that we can all contribute in the traditional honoring of our fallen countrymen with the proper flag execution.
Happy Memorial Day everyone!